- based on Quad-Tree
- supports texture blending
- supports bump mapping
- Quad Tree acts as a scenegraph for enviro. objects
- collision with terrain
- A* pathfinding
- Bezier Curves for (usually :) ) smooth movement
- have line of sight
- different attributes (sight range, movement speed, turn speed,...)
Custom system for animations
- units have bones and assigned animation controllers that animate these bones
- animation controllers can be either parts of buildings (heavy factory has doors that are opening and closing) or weapons
- if a.c. is weapon units search for enemies in their range and attack them if possible
- divided into several categories : straight shooting (main gun on tank, AA gun), ballistic (artillery), explosives (mines)
- each category may have bullets with different parameters (speed, 3D model, damage, area in which bullet makes damage)
- weapons and bullets can only attack certain types of units (e.g. AA gun will not lock on tanks, APC,...)
- after unit is destroyed debris is displayed and slowly disappears
- platform specific - on PC mouse + keyboard, on Xbox C&C-like "crosshair-in-the-middle" movement + gamepad buttons for orders
- units respond to attack and movement commands
- units have waypoints
Environmental objects
- cannot be destroyed
- units avoid them
- units can trigger events (e.g. after they enter certain area)
- timers for events are supported
- M:N relationship between triggers and events
- in early stage :)
- minimap in left lower corner
- if 1 unit is selected detailed unit info is shown
- if several units are selected only name + health is shown
- few basic gui objects in editor - button, text label, panel, image displayer
Level editor
- only on PC
- terrain painting (4 different textures are supported)
- environment objects can be places, moved, removed, rotated
- XML serialization for terrain vertex colors and e.o. positions and rotations
Resource pooling
- for less garbage
Particle Effects
- based on point sprites from CC sample
Postprocess effects
- in early stage